Facial Trauma

Treatment for All Types of Facial Injuries

Oral surgeons receive years of hands-on training and experience in hospital and emergency room environments. This hospital-based experience gives surgeons the tools they need to treat facial injuries of all kinds, including facial fractures, lacerations, and dental injuries.

Dr. Robert Wood, Dr. Nicholas Coles, Dr. Negin Saghafi, and Dr. Jerome Holbrook at Arizona Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons are experts at repairing facial injuries to restore both function and appearance to facial structures. If you have experienced a facial or dental injury, contact our practice as soon as possible. Our talented team will create a treatment plan unique to your needs and guide you through every step of your oral surgery journey. Visit our Emergency Services page to learn more about oral and maxillofacial emergencies and when to contact a dental professional.

In the event of a medical emergency, go to the nearest emergency room and receive treatment from the oral surgeon on call.

Treating Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma

Oral and facial injuries can be caused by falls, sports injuries, work-related accidents, altercations, and other incidents. We will take 3D scans of your head, neck, and mouth to assess the injuries and determine the right treatment for your situation. If oral surgery is necessary, we will discuss your options for anesthesia or sedation prior to surgery so that you can remain at ease and comfortable.

There are several types of facial trauma injuries. Treatment for each injury is different and in some cases, your oral surgeon will work with your orthodontist or general dentist to restore your smile.

Facial Cuts or Lacerations

Oral surgeons treat facial cuts using sutures or stitches. Your surgeon will be careful to minimize scarring while also looking out for damage to important facial structures such as nerves or glands. If the cuts are inside the mouth, dissolvable sutures will be used, which do not require you to return to the office to have them removed.

Bone Injuries or Fractures

Facial bone injuries are unlike other broken bones because a cast cannot be placed over the face. The broken portion is stabilized in position while it heals back together. Rather than using a cast, oral surgeons use small biocompatible screws and plates to secure facial bones in place. These fixtures usually do not need to be removed, because they are made of materials that naturally bond with your bone.

Dental Injuries

A general dentist can treat some dental injuries, but when teeth are knocked out or displaced and the tooth socket is damaged, an oral surgeon is needed. If your tooth is seriously damaged or knocked out, come to our office as soon as possible. Do not clean off the tooth, because doing so can damage important tissues. Instead, try to preserve the tooth in saliva or a container of whole milk and bring it to the office. The sooner you seek treatment, the better your chances of saving the tooth.

If you experience a facial injury, our staff will see you as soon as possible. Usually, we will make space in the schedule to see you the day you call. Make sure you seek emergency treatment at a hospital if your injuries are very serious. Our oral surgeons also have staff privileges at Tucson Medical Center, where they can provide treatment for more serious facial and dental injuries.

Facial Trauma Experts in Tucson, Oro Valley, and Sahuarita, AZ

Our staff recognizes that facial trauma can be very physically and emotionally stressful, and we will do our best to make you feel comfortable and prepared throughout your treatment. Oral surgeons understand how to preserve long-term function and facial aesthetics when repairing a facial cut or bone injury.

It’s impossible to know when a facial injury will happen, but if you or a family member experiences a facial trauma, you can rest assured that our team at Arizona Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons is here to support and guide you throughout the treatment process. Contact us if you or a loved one have experienced a facial or dental injury and we will see you as soon as possible.

Types of Anesthesia

We offer a variety of anesthesia choices to ensure a comfortable oral surgery experience.

Exceptional Outcomes From a Team You Can Trust

We’ve been caring for patients in southern Arizona for over 50 years. As board-certified experts, our surgeons bring years of training and expertise to you and your loved ones with the highest standards. Learn more about our office or contact Arizona Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons today to see how we can improve your oral health.

Trusted care for all your 
oral and maxillofacial needs.

Tucson Office


Mon–Thur: 8:00 AM–4:30 PM 
Fri: 7:00 AM–2:00 PM

Oro Valley Office


Mon–Thur: 8:00 AM–4:30 PM
Fri: 7:00 AM–2:00 PM

Sahuarita Office


Tues-Wed: 8:00 AM–4:30 PM
Every Other Thursday : 8:00 AM–4:30 PM
Fri: 7:00 AM–2:00 PM
© 2025. All rights reserved. | Arizona Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons • AZ Specialty Dental Services, LLC - Jeffrey Burg, DDS.
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